Guided Tour: Digital Budget Book for Schools

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Take a permanent vacation from stress-filled budget books.

Guided Tour: Digital Budget Book for Schools

Imagine if budget book season felt like a vacation… While ClearGov can’t make creating a budget book as fun as a trip to the Caribbean, we can help make it much easier for you!

Join us for a guided tour of our Digital Budget Book solution. Sit back, relax, and discover how you can:

  • Easily meet ASBO Meritorious Budget Award criteria
  • Save time on creating tedious charts and graphs
  • Eliminate the hassle of finding and replacing outdated figures
  • Collaborate with your team to build a budget book in record time

DATE: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
TIME: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET
Tour Guide: Carlie Larffarello

Tour Guide:

Carlie Lawrenson

Carlie Larffarello

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Unable to attend live? You should still register! We will send out the recording after the webinar to all registrants.