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ClearGov Launches First Client Advisory Board

ClearGov Launches First Client Advisory Board

Engaging in the candid conversations that help shape our solutions and drive innovation

We recently invited a sampling of our most active clients to participate in a newly established Client Advisory Board (CAB). The CAB will meet biannually to discuss product development, provide feedback on new features, and share their expertise and experience with the ClearGov executive team and each other.

Seven clients (in fact everyone we asked) graciously agreed to be members of this inaugural board, volunteering their valuable time and candid insights to help ClearGov deliver best-in-class solutions that truly address the challenges of modern local governments.

Members include treasurers, analysts, town managers, and CFOs from civic entities across the country — all serving diverse communities with varying needs and resources. By convening this particular mix of users and executives we hope to get a better understanding of the unique requirements and pain points experienced by people at all levels of the organization.

Since ClearGov Insights and ClearGov Budgets are both very much a product of continuous client (and prospect) feedback, inviting local governments to join us at the drawing board  just makes sense. The CAB is really a way for us to formalize what’s been happening all along — organically — since our CEO first founded ClearGov back in 2015.

What was true then is still true now. The best ideas and inspiration for products and new features are inevitably born out of conversations with the doers — the people who interact with the public, crunch the numbers, balance the budgets, plan the projects, and execute the vision. And the more we engage directly with doers like you, the more we learn and the better equipped we are to solve for your specific needs.

Of course, the first rule of CAB is a little like the first rule of Fight Club (“you don’t talk about it”), but for very different reasons. The board spent much of the first session discussing future ClearGov technology that’s both proprietary and not quite ready for prime time … >yet. That said, keep your eyes on ClearGov in Q4. Exciting developments are coming your way.

In the meantime, we’ll be kicking off a similar CAB with school officials later this year to zero in on the increasingly data-heavy demands placed on today’s district administrators. Between complicated funding formulas and trying to keep pace with ESSA requirements, education professionals have their hands full. We’re excited to invite them to the table and to hear firsthand how they’re using our solutions, and to understand what we’re doing well and what we could be doing better.

We believe establishing CABs and holding regularly scheduled meetups helps us stay true to our mission to build a community of modern, transparent, data-driven governments. In the end, your success is our success.

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August 29, 2019

Chris Bullock

Chris is CEO & Co-founder of ClearGov. He is passionate about helping local governments modernize their processes and communications.