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ClearGov by the Numbers: 2019 at a Glance

Cleargov Numbers

What a difference a year makes!

It’s been another innovative and especially productive year for the ClearGov community. With a lean, but ever-expanding team of talented developers, data wranglers, client support managers, account execs, and marketers, we’ve launched new products and expanded our reach. Today, nearly 300 civic and school customers in 30 different states comprise ClearGov nation.

In the interest of sparing you a lengthy brag post (like that annual holiday letter from you know who), we thought we’d practice what we preach and let the pictures and data tell our story. We managed to squeeze a year’s worth of noteworthy numbers, laudable launches, and game-changing partnerships into a spiffy infographic.

If you’re reading this, chances are you played a key role in getting us to where we are today. We thank you and we invite you stick around for the rest of the ride. We’ve got big plans for 2020 and beyond — and they include you.

And now, without further ado, here’s a quick look back at the year that was. Enjoy!

ClearGov 2019 Year in Review

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December 17, 2019

Chris Bullock

Chris is CEO & Co-founder of ClearGov. He is passionate about helping local governments modernize their processes and communications.