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Building Trust With School Communities Through Year-Round Transparency

Building Trust With School Communities Through Year-Round Transparency

Let’s face it: schools are facing tough times. Money is tight, trust is low, and communities are asking hard questions about how their tax dollars are being spent. We previously addressed the topic of transparency in school budgeting as it related to Covid relief funds running out and school budget cuts. It was a timely topic at the height of school budgeting season when districts struggled to get budgets approved amid deficits and painful cuts to programs.

But now that we’re out of budget season, school districts are finding that taxpayers are keeping a closer eye on a lot more than the dollars and cents. They want to be kept in the loop year-round—they want to know how funds are directly tied to things like academic performance, capital projects, and strategic planning.

The challenge is that school finances are complex, and it can be hard to explain the data and justification to everyone in a way that makes sense.

That’s where smarter transparency comes in, and that’s exactly what ClearGov is designed to help with.

When schools are more open, it leads to better conversations. Even if people don’t like what they hear, they’re more likely to understand and work together if they have all the facts.

The Evolving Landscape Of School District Transparency

Gone are the days when sharing the annual budget as a PDF was enough to keep your school community happy. Today’s parents, taxpayers, and school employees want to see the whole picture, and they want to see it clearly.

It’s about more than just money; people want to know:

How are the kids doing? Think test scores, graduation rates, and college readiness.

What’s changing in our schools? This includes new buildings, tech upgrades, and renovations.

Where are we headed? People want to know about long-term visions, plans, and goals.

While these questions can and should be answered in a school’s annual budget book, every district knows that’s rarely set in stone. As fund sources change, unexpected expenses come up, and capital projects stall, districts need to be prepared to communicate with their school community year-round. This means:

  • Regular updates on how money is being spent
  • Progress reports on ongoing projects
  • Quick responses when community members have questions

It’s also important to remember that not everyone in your community wants the same information. For example, parents might care most about their kids’ test scores and school safety, retirees without kids in school might focus on property taxes and fiscal responsibility, and students might be excited about new sports facilities or tech in the classroom.

The trick is finding a way to give everyone what they’re looking for without drowning in data. You need a way to:

  • Break down complicated data into bite-sized pieces
  • Use clear, honest narratives to explain your processes
  • Incorporate visuals to tell your financial story (because let’s face it, not everyone loves spreadsheets)
  • Let people dive deeper into the topics they care about most

This is where tools like ClearGov come into play. Our budgeting software for schools is designed to take all this information and present it in a way that’s clear, interactive, and actually kind of fun to explore.

ClearGov: Tools For Smarter Transparency

Imagine having a place where anyone in your community can go, anytime, to get the information they need about your school district’s finances and plans. 

That’s exactly what ClearGov’s Digital Budget Book and Transparency public-facing communication tools provide.

Here’s what makes them special:

A New Way to Share Information

Think of Digital Budget Book and Transparency as your district’s information hub.

Instead of sending out hefty PDF reports once a year that are outdated as soon as they’re published, ClearGov’s tools let you share up-to-date information year-round. They turn complex data into easy-to-understand, website-based presentations that tell your district’s full story.

Making Data Exploration Easy, Fun & Accessible

We’ve all struggled with long, text-heavy reports and number-heavy spreadsheets. ClearGov’s website-based public-facing communication tools are different because:

  • They’re interactive: users can drill down into specific expenses or projects to get more details about the issues that are most important to them.
  • They’re easy to understand: auto-generated charts and graphs make it easy to understand trends and complex data at a glance.
  • They’re accessible: ClearGov’s public-facing communication tools are automatically ADA-compliant out-of-the-box, making the data accessible to everyone in your community—even those with disabilities.
  • They’re flexible: ClearGov’s platforms have built-in templates to let you share school-specific data like demographics, test scores, and even dedicated capital project pages that users can subscribe to and monitor progress.

And, these features don’t just make your budget data more user-friendly—it also saves your staff time. You’ll spend less time fielding calls to explain confusing budget lines or hunting down updates on projects.

Fitting into Your Communication Strategy

ClearGov isn’t meant to replace how you currently communicate with your school community.

Instead, it improves communication by allowing you to easily share updates on social media or via email, embed key charts or figures directly on your district’s website, or use the data in your newsletters or presentations to reinforce your messages.

By using tools like ClearGov, you’re not just sharing information—you’re inviting your community into the conversation. You’re saying, “Here’s what’s happening in our schools, and we want you to understand and be part of it.”

Earning Recognition for Excellence in Budgeting

Here’s a bonus: ClearGov’s tools can help your district shine in the eyes of professional organizations. The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) and Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) both offer awards for excellence in budget presentation and financial reporting.

ClearGov’s auto-generated sections help you automatically meet many of the criteria for these awards, while Digital Budget Book has a built-in checklist for GFOA criteria to ensure you meet or exceed each one.

By aiming for these standards, you’re not just checking boxes—you’re setting a new bar for transparency in school finance.

Building A Stronger School Community Through Transparency

We’ve seen how ClearGov can transform the way school districts share information. But the real power of transparency goes beyond just putting data out there. It’s about building a stronger, more engaged school community.

When you make information accessible and easy to understand, you’re empowering your stakeholders. Even when facing tough choices, a well-informed community is more likely to understand the challenges and work together toward solutions. Parents, taxpayers, school employees, and community members can make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in discussions about the district’s future.

So, whether you’re explaining this year’s budget, showcasing student achievements, or planning for the future, remember: transparency isn’t just about meeting requirements. It’s about building trust, encouraging participation, and creating a school district where everyone feels informed and involved.

Schedule a demo to see if ClearGov is right for your school district.

October 8, 2024
By Bryan Burdick